Without a training program to motivate, guide and challenge you, it’s unlikely your Skating or Fitness will change that much - despite skating regularly
You need this course if you:

Skate regularly but have
developed some bad habits
like Pronating on inside Edges, a V-ing Regroup and being unstable at higher speeds

Have been feeling
“stuck” in your skating
not achieving any changes or developments

You want
to improve your
efficency, strength and aerobic fitness

You want
to improve your
race and event times
skate for fitness
1-4 hrs
for each exercise
- Ex 11 Toe Roll
- Ex 12 Toe Roll to Short Toe Roll
- Ex 13 Lunge and Roll, regroup with Short Toe Roll (on the line)
- Exercise 14
- Exercise 15
- Exercise 16
- Exercise 17
- Exercise 18
- Exercise 19
- Exercise 20
- Exercise 21
- Ex 11 Toe Roll
- Ex 12 Toe Roll to Short Toe Roll
- Ex 13 Lunge and Roll, regroup with Short Toe Roll (on the line)
- Exercise 14
- Exercise 15
- Exercise 16
- Exercise 17
- Ex 11 Toe Roll
- Ex 12 Toe Roll to Short Toe Roll
- Ex 13 Lunge and Roll, regroup with Short Toe Roll (on the line)
- Exercise 14
- Exercise 15
- Exercise 16
- Exercise 17
- Exercise 18
- Exercise 19
- Exercise 20
- Exercise 21
- Ex 11 Toe Roll
- Ex 12 Toe Roll to Short Toe Roll
- Ex 13 Lunge and Roll, regroup with Short Toe Roll (on the line)
- Exercise 14
- Exercise 15
- Exercise 16
- Exercise 17
- Exercise 18
- Exercise 19
- Exercise 20
- Exercise 21
$ 72.00
$ 39.00
$ 39.00
$ 0.00
Course Benefits
Build lower body muscle strength - that’s legs, glutes and core while simultaneously improving your technique, safety and speed
Get aerobically fitter by training at higher Intensity for longer
If you dedicate 20 hours to your training. 5 months training 2 hrs per week will make you a different skater
Fix THE biggest problem MOST skaters have that robs you of 50% of your power
Develop your Glide and Outside Edges safely and progressively
Learn Slow Motion Drills which literally force you to find and develop the correct technique
Feel safer as your speeds increase